The Use of Vocabulary Notebooks for EFL Non-majors ESP Vocabulary Acquisition


Tran Thi CucORCID,Do Manh CuongORCID


English for Special Purposes (ESP) students often struggle with vocabulary acquisition. Vocabulary notebooks are a potential solution. This study investigates the effectiveness of vocabulary notebooks in supporting vocabulary expansion and retention for 30 intermediate-level ESP students in a 15-week International Relations class. The study utilized a mixed-methods approach based on a questionnaire, pre-test, post-test, and data analysis. The results show a statistically significant improvement in vocabulary acquisition and retention among students who used vocabulary notebooks. The findings suggest that vocabulary notebooks are a useful tool for ESP students, particularly in the acquisition of specialized vocabulary. Hence, the study also identified areas where the implementation of vocabulary notebooks could be improved, such as the need for explicit instruction and scaffolding to support effective use. This study highlights the potential of vocabulary notebooks and provides insights into how they can be effectively used to support ESP vocabulary acquisition.


Asia Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning

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