Exploring the Use of Live Interactive Worksheets in Foreign Language Classes: Perceptions of Students and Teachers


Madden OneilORCID,Sweeney Ryan,Gonzales Alexious


Live interactive worksheets started to become known in the Jamaican foreign language (L2) circle after the COVID-19 pandemic plunged schools worldwide into online teaching. Educators needed to find creative ways to engage and motivate learners. Currently, there are no studies on live worksheets in Jamaica; therefore, this research aims to bridge this gap. The authors sought to ascertain both teachers' and students' perspectives on incorporating live worksheets in L2 classes. Sixteen undergraduate students at Northern Caribbean University (NCU) and seven L2 high school teachers responded to questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The qualitative approach was used to analyze the data. Major findings show that live worksheets effectively engage students, promote autonomy, and aid in the recall and application of information. In this article, the authors have highlighted perceptions relating to both the benefits and challenges of using live worksheets, as well as how to overcome possible obstacles.


Asia Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning

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