The Palamas Archaeological Project. A preliminary report of the 2022 fieldwork conducted by the ongoing Greek–Swedish archaeological field programme in Palamas, region of Karditsa, Thessaly


Vaïopoulou Maria1ORCID,Rönnlund Robin2ORCID,Tsiouka Fotini1ORCID,Klange Johan3ORCID,Pitman Derek4ORCID,Potter Rich5ORCID,Randall Ian6ORCID,Manley Harry4ORCID,Schager Elisabet7ORCID,Dandou SotiriaORCID,Webb Lewis8ORCID


1. Ephorate of Antiquities of Karditsa

2. University of Thessaly

3. Halland Museum of Cultural History

4. Bournemouth University

5. University of Gothenburg

6. University of British Columbia

7. Natural History Museums of Sweden

8. University of Oxford


This paper presents the preliminary results from the 2022 fieldwork of the Palamas Archaeological Project, an ongoing Greek–Swedish collaboration in the region of Karditsa, Thessaly. Working over the course of two separate field seasons, the project team conducted aerial, architectural, fieldwalking, and geophysical surveys at a number of sites within the survey area, including at the important multi-phase fortified settlements at Metamorfosi and Vlochos. Limited excavations were also conducted at the latter site, producing new evidence for the Hellenistic and Early Byzantine phases of the ancient city, including a probable cemetery. The work continues to add to the knowledge of the archaeology of the region, highlighting the long and dynamic history of human habitation in western Thessaly.


Stiftelsen Enboms donationsfond

Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse

Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse

Society of Antiquaries of London

Åke Wiberg Stiftelse


Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome (ECSI)


Archeology,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,History,Archeology,Classics

Reference28 articles.

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5. Decourt, J.-C. 1990. La vallée de l’Énipeus en Thessalie. Études de topographie et de géographie antique (BCH Suppl., 21), Paris.







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