The first detection of the Phaeocystis (<i>Phaeocystis pouchetii</i> (Hariot) Lagerheim 1896) in the coastal waters of East Kamchatka


Lepskaya E. V.1,Tepnin O. B.1,Pavlov N. N.2


1. Kamchatka Branch of Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (KamchatNIRO)

2. East Tour Co. Ltd.


   While single mobile or immobile cells grouped into mucous “cloudy” colonies have been described in the life cycle of the haptophyta microalga Phaeocystis pouchetii, the first colonial bloom of this algae was detected on the east coast of Kamchatka (Avachinsky Gulf). The number of the colonies at the peak of the bloom in the coastal waters was 100 per liter. Such blooms of mentioned species in the European seas, in the Antarctic and some other coastal waters are often non-toxic. So, this phenomenon obviously requires study in monitoring mode.


Kamchatka Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

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