The article provides a preliminary description of Late-Classical-Hellenistic roof tiles found in the offerings trench of tumulus TA95 at Orgame (Argamum) and suggests the existence of a roofing structure in close connection with it. The identification of the tile types was complicated in light of their fragmentary state. According to the chronology of the layers excavated in the offerings trench, where they have been discovered, the construction of tiles can be established in the second quarter-middle of the 4th century B.C. The identification of the tile types was complicated in light of their fragmentary state. Moreover, the article discusses the development of some types of roofed buildings connected to the ritual practices developed at the founder’s tomb. This preliminary approach will illuminate the benefits of even simple roof tiles in reconstructing ancient production and building practices at Orgame. One of the significant conclusions reported in this study is that our city and others in its regions (see Açik Suhat-Caraburun) not only went on to make characteristic roof-styles of their own, as a statement of local capacity of „savoir faire”, but also somethimes even adapt the „international” standards, as those Corinthian or Attic, at local versions of tiles.
Editura ARA - Arhitectura Restaurare Arheologie
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2 articles.