An Occurrence Description Logic


Badie Farshad,Gotzsche Hans


Description Logics (DLs) are a family of well-known terminological knowledge representation formalisms in modern semantics-based systems. This research focuses on analysing how our developed Occurrence Logic (OccL) can conceptually and logically support the development of a description logic. OccL is integrated into the alternative theory of natural language syntax in Deviational Syntactic Structures under the label ‘EFA(X)3’ (or the third version of Epi-Formal Analysis in Syntax, EFA(X), which is a radical linguistic theory). From the logical point of view, OccL is a formal logic that mainly deals with the occurrences of symbols as well as with their priorities within linguistic descriptions, i.e. natural language syntax, semantics and phonology. In this article—based on our OccL-based definitions of the concepts of strong implication and occurrence value as well as of the logical concept Identical Occurrence Constructor (IDOC) that is the most fundamental logical concept in our formalism—we will model Occurrence Description Logic (ODL). Accordingly, we will formally-logically analyse ‘occurrence(s) of symbol(s)’ within descriptions of the world in ODL. In addition, we will analyse and assess the logical concepts of occurrence and occurrence priority in ODL. This research can make a strong logical background for our future research in the development of a Modal Occurrence Description Logic.


Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences



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