The purpose of this paper is to point out the key challenges faced by school students. In line with this aim the researcher has done a thematic research methodology, through personal experiences from childhood, working as a school advisor and reviewing literatures to collect detailed information concerning school student’s challenges. After finding the valid sources the researcher has found that the most worrying challenges are sexual abuses by elder students and gangsters, conflict on the way of school, long distance to get to the school, gender discrimination between boys and girls in the families, bombing and attacks on schools, poverty, bulling and teasing, Case of (Afghanistan). Furthermore, overcrowded classrooms, poor equipment’s and lack of experienced teachers regarding recognition of the specific talents of different students and failing them in exams are another challenges on the way of school students. Moreover, illiteracy of parents and lack of help regarding their homework’s, family conflicts and it is effects on the child are part of difficulties faced by school students. Also, climate change, cultural differences, loneliness and communication problems are another uphill’s for migrant students in international schools in a foreign country, case of foregone students in (India). Likewise, lack of school opportunity, misguidance some of students with encouraging them to join to insurgent groups, and discrimination against illegal migrant families, case of 300 million Afghanistanian illegal migrants in Iran and Pakistan with no educational opportunities. In addition, physical punishment, religious discrimination and lack of free of thought against students of minorities are some big barriers on the way of studying in schools, case of (Iran). Finding also showed that smart phones and computers cause some of the students to waste their study time on playing games and face time management problem. Finally, carrying on offensive guns and using drags by some students which effects other students psychologically and increase the possibility of violence are the most serious challenges faced by school students. However, as it is such an international problem, for solution, the five multilateral institutions which are the key international stakeholders in the EFA movement: UNESCO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and the World Bank, should take action against the above mentioned challenges. In the Indian context too similar challenges are daunting the Indian education sector. This paper attempts to highlight such challenges and ways of managing them from the perspective of the above mentioned key international stakeholders.
Foundation Pro Scientia Publica
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