1. 1) K. K. Murray, R. K. Boyd, M. N. Eberlin, G. J. Langley, L. Li, and Y. Naito, “Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to Mass Spectrometry (IUPAC Recommendations 2006),” Draft, 31 Aug 2006; URL: <http://www.iupac.org/reports/provisional/abstract06/murray—prs.pdf>.
2. Comments on Usage of the Symbol “m/z”
3. Comments on Usage of the Term “Mass-to-Charge Ratio”
4. Comments on Abscissa Labeling of Mass Spectra
5. 5) 吉野健一,化学,63(6), 38 (2008); URL: <http://www.kagakudojin.co.jp/kagaku/tachiyomi/c6306/c6306-38yoshino/index.html#>.