As a heterogeneous discipline, osteopathy is currently confronted with fundamental questions of identity, which it has to answer as a discipline in the field of tension between professional challenges and scientific demands.
The aim of this thesis is to identify relevant components of the status quo of osteopathy in Switzerland and to present them using a category system.
Seven guideline-based, problem-oriented interviews with Swiss osteopaths are conducted, transcribed and evaluated on the basis of Philipp Mayring's qualitative content analysis using inductive category formation and the results presented as a category tree.
Extensive partial aspects are coded under the three main categories of characteristics, opportunities and challenges. The greatest challenge of osteopathy in Switzerland is the implementation of the new law on health professions, which came into force on 1 Februrary 2020 and has uncertain consequences for osteopaths without a GDK diploma.
The extensive number of categories shows that the challenges of osteopathy are multi-faceted. However, for some therapists the above mentioned is of existential importance.
switzerland, osteopathy, characteristics, opportunities, challenges, COCO, qualitative study
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