Current Epidemiologic Status and Public Health Importance of Listeriosis: A Review


Zakir Sadik,Abdo Sufian,Bushra Mustafa Mohammed Bushra,Hussein Johar Aliye


Listeriosis is a bacterial disease caused by different listeria species, among which Listeria monocytogenes are the most pathogenic species of ruminant animals and humans. This paper aimed to review current updates on the epidemiology and public health significance of listeriosis. The disease is an acute central nervous system infection, with associated abortions occurring in pregnant cattle. Reservoirs of infection are the soil and the intestinal tracts of asymptomatic animals, including wild and feral mammals, birds, and fish. Listeria, like other infections, occurs through ingestion as well as inhalation or direct contact and venereal transmission. In animals, listeriosis typically occurs after the consumption of contaminated silage or other feed sources. Consequently, contaminated food sources, such as raw meat and fish, unpasteurized dairy products, and uncooked vegetables, are good sources of infection in humans. The major clinical forms of listeriosis in cattle are encephalitis, abortion, Mastitis, iritis, The major clinical forms of listeriosis in cattle are encephalitis, abortion, mastitis, ophthalmitis, and keratoconjunctivitis ophthalmitis, iritis and keratoconjunctivitis. The disease can be tentatively diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, and its confirmation is achieved through serological tests and blood culture. Listeriosis shares similar clinical signs with other diseases, such as rabies, Coenurosis, and Scrapie. Response to antibiotic therapy may be poor in neural listeriosis. Prolonged high doses of ampicillin or amoxicillin combined with aminoglycosides may effectively prevent listeriosis in animals. Generally, disease prevention heavily depends on the protection of animal feed and vaccination. Moreover, humans are recommended to avoid eating and drinking uncooked meat and unpasteurized milk products.



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