Energy security of Ukrainian regions in the context of increasing the resilience of their economy in conditions of global fluctuations


Borshchevskyy Viktor V.1ORCID,Hoshko Olha Y.2ORCID,Stetsko Yaroslav O.1ORCID


1. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

2. Ukrainian Catholic University


The war and its consequences for the Ukrainian economy have significantly increased the security challenges for most regions of our country. Security problems in the energy sector took one of the first places due to the destruction or damage of most energy infrastructure objects as a result of hostilities or artillery fire and missile strikes. The southern and northeastern regions are in the most threatening and difficult situation as their energy facilities are exposed to almost daily shelling. The situation is somewhat better in the central and western regions of Ukraine but there, too, missile strikes have significantly damaged a number of power plants, thermal power plants, transformer substations and other energy infrastructure facilities. All this urges the state authorities and local governments of each region of Ukraine to take urgent measures aimed at strengthening energy security and implementing modern systems for the protection of energy infrastructure objects. Primarily, the expediency of deconcentration and spatial distribution of energy generating and transmission capacities should be noted. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen their physical protection and stimulate the involvement of investments in the technological modernization of the regional energetics. The problem will be partly solved by implementing renewable energy components and increasing the efficiency of heat and power generation based on the use of alternative fuels.The introduction of technological innovations and the spatial distribution of energy facilities within individual regions may lead to an increase in transformational and transactional costs of energy production and its transmission to end users. Because of that magnification the energy efficiency of housing and communal services and budget institutions is very important direction of increasing energy security in almost all regions of Ukraine. To do this, energy-saving technologies should not only be introduced, but social populism, traditional for Ukraine, should be abandoned in the energy and housing and communal spheres in favor of market mechanisms for electricity and thermal energy pricing.


State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine

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