Directions for improving the quality of training in the food industry of Ukraine in modern conditions


Sembay Nataliya M.1ORCID


1. National University of Food Technologies


Today’s food industry is characterized by growing competition, rapid technological changes, and shifting consumer habits. This requires the industry to train personnel who are competent in modern technologies, trends, and marketing strategies. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of food quality and safety. Customers demand high quality products made with natural ingredients and in compliance with food safety standards. Therefore, training personnel who adhere to high quality and safety standards is extremely important. The article aims to study the processes of improving the quality of training of managerial and scientific personnel for the food industry of Ukraine. The article suggests the priorities for improving the quality of training of highly qualified (managerial, scientific) personnel for the food industry of Ukraine. They are defined in connection with the imperatives of recovery, innovative sustainability, and economic European integration of the Ukrainian food industry. The imperatives are determined by analyzing the consequences of a full-scale war for the industry, which confirmed its ability to be a leader in the recovery of the manufacturing industry and a driver of the development of an innovative and sustainable post-war economy. Recommendations are formulated in the following areas: development of modern skills of highly qualified personnel – soft, technical, transferable skills that complement basic hard skills; provision of educational services for foreign students; development of research infrastructure. The priorities for improving the quality of training of highly qualified personnel for the food industry of Ukraine in the context of the imperatives of recovery, innovative sustainability, and economic European integration of the industry are offered.


State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine


General Medicine

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