Features of innovative activity of dairy enterprises


Harasymlyuk Mariya V.1ORCID,Kistochka Yuliya V.1ORCID


1. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


The article is devoted to the current problem of researching the peculiarities of the innovative activity of Ukrainian dairy enterprises. Strategic planning of innovative development, features of products, and organizational and technological innovations are analyzed using methods of analysis and synthesis. The article reveals that the main goal of the innovative development of LLC “MK Halychyna” is to achieve and maintain the leadership in the Ukrainian market of dairy products, especially in the segment of fermented milk food products. The enterprise works efficiently, profitability is growing steadily. The enterprise uses a quality management system for innovative products and highly efficient equipment manufactured in Europe. Raw materials for production are purchased from Ukrainian farms. The environmental problem lies in the lack of a full-fledged substitute for plastic that would ensure the storage standards for dairy products. Product innovations are mostly improving, appeal to ethnographic motives, and are aimed at a young audience. The management of the enterprise carefully approaches the issues of organizational support for strategic planning of innovative development. The organizational structure provides a clear division of tasks and responsibilities of specialists at all stages of development and implementation of an innovative strategy. Sufficient attention is paid to the implementation of appropriate management decisions and consideration and prevention of possible risks of innovative activity. To increase the relevance of marketing information, the article offers recommendations on the involvement of sales specialists and independent consulting companies. The authors suggest that the investment plans should be detailed and clarified in quarterly, monthly, and weekly plans. The article shows that human resources support for innovative development is mostly formalized, and the relevant policy is not based on modern personnel development management methods. To increase the innovative potential of the staff, the article recommends the introduction of an organizational and personnel audit, which will allow the alignment of the innovative potential with the goals of the innovative development of the enterprise. More attention should be paid to the identification, assessment, and prevention of innovation risks. Further research should be focused on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the innovative policy of the enterprise in the conditions of the war and the post-war recovery of the domestic economy.


State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine

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