International experience of risk management in the context of decentralization


Khandoha Yuriy V.1ORCID,Hryhoruk Iryna I.1ORCID


1. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


The relevance of the study of international experience of risk management in the context of decentralization lies in the need to adapt international best practices to optimize and strengthen local government systems in the context of strengthening their autonomy and responsibility. The article aims to study the nature, structure, and features of risk management in the context of decentralization. The authors examine the implementation of new paradigms in the establishment of the Ukrainian state, which is facing challenges, including the incompatibility of organizational and socio-economic aspects with modern requirements. Special attention is paid to the lack of reforms in the governance sector, which reflects the neglect of the needs of local communities and the ineffectiveness of regional development programs. The article analyzes the European experience of administrative-territorial division and its role in ensuring access to public services and integrating cultural and social aspects into regional policy, which is key to democratic reforms and sustainable development. The NUTS standards as a tool for socio-economic assessment and their impact on risk management in the decentralization of public authorities are discussed. The article highlights the importance of integrated risk management in the strategic and tactical aspects of local governance development to optimize management decisions and reduce potential risks. Trends and challenges in the standardization of risk management processes at the local level are examined. The article highlights the importance of risk management for local governance, where risk management is an integral part of management processes at all levels, from strategic to project. The key categories of risks that exist in the local governance system are identified, including regulatory, organizational, managerial, financial, economic, and social risks. Measures to minimize risks in the context of decentralization are suggested.


State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine

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