1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
The current stage of development of society requires new ways of solving the problems arising in conditions of political, economic, or social instability in the country. The challenges faced by domestic companies first during the COVID-2019 pandemic and later during the large-scale russian invasion of Ukraine are no exception. It has become a kind of challenge for the country’s population, as well as for the activity of economic entities, creating unpredictable decisions for most entrepreneurs. Geographically, Ukraine has a very advantageous position. Being in the center of Europe, it can provide extended transport and transit services to the countries of Asia. Therefore, the issues of the development of the transport logistic infrastructure are very relevant nowadays. In fact, it is worth paying attention to the managerial decisions of a number of companies regarding the revision of the functioning and development directions of transport logistics, which were caused by the russian war against Ukraine and the belarusian support of this barbaric act against Ukraine. The article aims to examine the peculiarities of the companies’ transport logistics in conditions of modern challenges. The article analyzes theoretical-methodological approaches that are the basis for the research idea and outlines the main directions of the management of the companies’ transport logistics. The retrospective and current state of transportation in Ukraine is explained. The main problems emerging in the companies’ transport logistics in conditions of war are characterized. The nature and features of support for the development of the companies’ transport logistics and its integration into the logistics system of the EU countries are substantiated. The article offers a number of measures directed at creating a qualitative investment framework for the development of the companies’ transport logistics, which are particularly important in times of war.
State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine
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