Digitalization as a basis for economic stability and business security


Pravdyvets Oleksandr M.1ORCID


1. KROK University


An enterprise that moves from the material to the digital, becoming an independent element of business security, is a priority component of the state’s economic security in the context of the digital economy development. Therefore, today we cannot ignore such an important catalyst for the success of economic activity as the use of innovative information and computer technologies, which are the basis of the digital economy and play a significant role in the development of all aspects of social life. Obviously, it is digitalization that has a significant impact on the activities of economic entities and, therefore, focuses on strengthening their economic security. The article aims to determine the nature of digitalization and its impact on the development of enterprise security stability. In the context of the digital economy, studies have shown that the transition from traditional to digital methods is extremely important to ensure the economic stability and security of an enterprise in the most problematic period of its operation. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale war, the ability to order products without leaving home has become particularly important for consumers, and this factor has become much more significant. The article reveals that elements of digital transformation have become key factors in the development and maintenance of the economic security of small and medium-sized enterprises. The use of these areas of digitalization allows companies to effectively strengthen their operations and ensure their competitiveness in the market. Overall, the introduction of digital technologies will help keep most businesses in the market and increase their contribution to economic development. Using the methods of induction and deduction, the article suggests the hypothesis that the economic security of an enterprise can be strengthened through the use of digital technologies, namely, by using digitalization tools. The article proves that digital technologies allow businesses to increase their efficiency, attract new customers, and increase sales. They allow businesses to increase their competitiveness and adapt to changes in the market.


State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine


General Medicine

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