Estimating the development capacity of the creative services sector to secure the socio-economic growth of Ukrainian regions


Shchehlyuk Svitlana D.1ORCID


1. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine


The main approaches to estimating the development capacity of the creative commercial services sector to secure the socio-economic growth of Ukrainian regions are outlined. A list of parameters to calculate the integral index of the efficiency of creative services capacity implementation by the types of economic activity is suggested, including the creative industries and creative services, in particular (by sections of NACE Rev. 2: J, P, M, R). The calculated by the author coefficient of the shadow activity in the sector of creative commercial services is selected as the destimulating parameter. Based on the results of the integral estimation, the regions are grouped by the rates of the efficiency of creative services capacity implementation in promoting the economic and social growth, and the leaders and outsiders among regions are determined. The trends of the integral index rates in dynamics in 2013-2018 are analyzed. The problems of the contemporary stage in the creative services development in Ukrainian regions and statistical provision of cultural analytics are systematized. The paper proves that ignoring the issues of the system support of the creative services development leads to the outflow of creative capital from Ukraine and declining competitiveness of its economy. A range of activities regarding the increase of the role of the socio-economic development sector in regions with low integral index rates and promotion of the creative services sector development in general is substantiated. Revealing the hidden reserves of creative industries that are in the shadow is among the primary issues of increasing the efficiency level of the creative services capacity implementation. Therefore, the measures on eliminating the shadow activity bound to be used in the creative services sector should be directed at protection of intellectual property rights, fight against counterfeiting and smuggling, and settlement of the issues of informal activity, activity of freelances on digital platforms and self-employed persons.


State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine

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