Educational network of Lvivska oblast: trends and problems of functioning


Benovska Liliya Ya.1ORCID,Paska Oleh V.ORCID


1. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine


The decentralization of the education system and the increased role of local authorities in financing and managing the educational network have become the main focus of the country’s education reform. This requires local governments to take into account changes in the main trends in education and its financing and the correspondence of the number of institutions and staffing to the demographic situation and labor market needs in the region. The article aims to identify the main trends and problems of the functioning of the educational network in Lvivska oblast. The systematic methodological approach in combination with statistical research methods was used in the course of the research to realize its purpose. The article reveals the main trends of changes in the network of pre-school and general secondary education institutions in Lvivska oblast. Problems related to the overcrowding of pre-school educational institutions in the region are clarified. The main problem in the field of pre-school education lies in the discrepancy between the existing needs and the financial possibilities of ensuring the acquisition of pre-school education in territorial communities with a low level of financial capacity. The number of general secondary education institutions has significantly decreased due to the optimization of the educational network in the region. At the same time, inclusive education is developing at a dynamic pace through the creation of inclusive groups and classes, inclusive resource centers, and professional communities of specialists in such centers. The war has made its corrections, in particular, the need to strengthen the security of the educational process. An offline form of education is possible only if there is a suitable shelter in which all students and teaching staff can fit in. The vast majority of educational institutions have created their own shelters, while issues of creating sanitary conditions and compliance of shelters with established norms remain problematic.


State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine

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