Competitive advantages of Ukrainian educational institutions in the global mobile space


Zhuravel Yuliya V.1ORCID,Hryhoruk Iryna I.2ORCID


1. Lviv Polytechnic National University

2. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


Today, the educational process is the basic indicator of the educational institutions’ competitiveness and ability to gain a competitive advantage. It should be organized according to state standards while taking into account the possibilities of autonomy of educational institutions, the needs of students, and the challenges of the external environment. Thus, the development of the global mobile space forces educational institutions to take into account international progressive approaches to the organization of the high-quality educational process. The article aims to substantiate the educational process components and determine their competitive advantages for educational institutions in terms of educational mobility. The article presents the main components of the educational process (pedagogical, personnel component, material and technical, organizational, etc.), which are the basis of the competitive advantages of Ukrainian educational institutions in the global mobile space. Attention is focused on the importance of applying the practice of international internships aimed at improving the academic mobility of scientific and pedagogical staff. The main problems of the educational process in educational institutions are described, including the involvement of practitioners in the educational process as one of the most important. The key priorities for improving the educational process of educational institutions in Ukraine are identified. The importance of digitalization in the educational process is emphasized, and its main advantages from the beginning of the COVID-2019 pandemic to the present are described. The key elements a digital learning environment should combine for effective functioning and full use are highlighted. The article emphasizes that the elements of digitalization of educational institutions are a sign of their competitiveness both within the country and abroad, as it allows foreigners to receive education remotely and Ukrainians while being abroad. The value plane of educational branding allowing an educational institution to position its unique niches for marketing opportunities is mapped.


State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine

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