Accuracy of the Anterior Uterocervical Angle in Predicting the Transvaginal Cerclage Failure to Prevent Spontaneous Preterm Birth Relative to the Cervical Length in Sonography


Rezaie keikhaie Khadije,Rezaie Kahkha Leili,Shahraki Zahra,Esbati Sairo,Afshari Mahdi,Kamali Atefeh,Shirazi Mahboobeh,Moshfeghi Maryam, , , , , , , ,


Farname, Inc.


Obstetrics and Gynecology,Oncology,Embryology,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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2. Effect of cervical traction with a tenaculum on the uterocervical angle

3. Vaginal hysterectomy as a primary route for morbidly obese women

4. Prediction of patient-specific risk of early preterm delivery using maternal history and sonographic measurement of cervical length: a population-based prospective study

5. Normal cervical changes in parous women during the second half of pregnancy - a prospective, longitudinal ultrasound study

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