Physicochemical Properties Research of Mechanoactivated Flour from Wheat Germ Cake


Lesnikova Natalia1,Lazarev Vladimir1,Chechenikhina Olga1,Kotova Tatyana2


1. Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

2. Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation


In today’s accelerating world, the concept of waste-free production, based on the maximum utilization of all resources, becomes relevant. To increase the use efficiency of materials obtained as a result of grain processing, a man developed an integrated approach implying a disintegrator. The research aim is to study the mechanical activation process impact of flour from wheat germ cake (FWGC) on its physico-chemical properties. The authors revealed the rational mode of the grinding process: the rotation speed of the rotors is 10,500 rpm, the impact velocity is 175 m/s, the process duration is 180 sec, providing a weighted average particle size of the final mechanical powder of 52 microns with maximum bulk density parameters of 760 kg/m3 and water absorption capacity of 70 %. During mechanical activation, the chemical composition of FWGC changes: the mass fraction of proteins increases by 1.8 %, simple sugars – by 17 %, ash content – by 11 %, starch content decreases by 8 % compared to the FWGC obtained without mechanical activation. To determine the physico-chemical composition of the aqueous extract of the FWGC, a man run the microfiltration parameters selection: the aqueous extract flow rate of the FWGC over the membrane surface is not less than 1.0–1.2 m/s; the working pressure of the process is within 0.25 MPa; the extract temperature does not exceed (25 ± 5)°C. According to the microfiltration separation process research results of the aqueous FWGC extract, the mechanical activation increases the low-molecular-weight proteins proportion in flour, indicating a growth in its bioavailability and digestibility.


Ural State University of Economics

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