Development of the Enteral Mixtures Composition for the Protein-Energy Deficiency Correction


Danilkin Aleksey1,Bakumenko Olesya2,Fazullina Oliya1,Smirnov Stanislav1


1. Research Institute of Food Processing Industry and Special Food Technology – Branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Moscow Region, Leninsky District, Izmailovo settlement, Russian Federation

2. Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russian Federation


Protein-energy deficiency is widespread among patients with surgical, traumatological, burn and other profiles. The study aims at the enteral mixture composition development for patients with protein-energy deficiency. The authors analyzed composition, market presence and therapeutic orientation of enteral mixtures of Russian and foreign manufacturers; revealed insufficiency of oriented enteral mixtures of Russian production for patients with protein-energy deficiency. A man developed biomedical requirements for the enteral mixture composition for the protein-energy deficiency correction; justified the use of high-protein basic raw materials – whey protein concentrate and pea protein isolate; fats – medium-chain triglycerides and PUFA ω-3; carbohydrates – maltodextrin and sucrose mixtures. By the Etalon software, the researchers developed optimal formulation of the enteral mixture. The enteral mixture should be water-soluble in order to absorb nutrients into the gastrointestinal tract effectively, as well as suitable for self-consumption as a separate meal for people with disabilities or in conditions of limited access to food. The inclusion of enteral mixtures in the diet therapy of patients with protein-energy deficiency will improve their nutritional status, and treatment quality; accelerate rehabilitation; and reduce hospital costs for treatment and rehabilitation measures.


Ural State University of Economics

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