Increasing Nutritional Value of Cottage Cheese Products by the Rúbus idáeus Fortification


Esipova Maria1,Shkolnikova Marina2,Rozhnov Evgeny2,Moliboga Elena1


1. Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russian Federation

2. Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation


The cottage cheese and cottage cheese products introduction in the diet enables to compensate the protein deficiency observed in a significant part of the population. A man can increase cottage cheese product consumer supply by the non-dairy component use, in particular fruit ones. The research aims at cottage cheese product development with the introduction of raspberry fruits Rubus idaeus processing product for the finished product fortification with biologically active substances and organoleptic properties improvement. To amplify the cottage cheese product produced by the cow milk fermentation with a mesophilic starter culture Chr.Hansen CHN-22 (50U) by the thermoacid method (control sample), a man used flour obtained by drying fresh raspberry fruits of the variety “Vislucha” in a dehydrator to a final moisture content of 2–5 % followed by grinding in a dry grinding mill (sample 1); and fruits dried in a freeze dryer to a final moisture content of 2–5 % (sample 2). A man introduced fruit ingredients in the amount of 4 % by weight of the cottage cheese at the time of its semi-readiness with the removal of most of the whey. The authors evaluated organoleptic properties of the cottage cheese product samples using a developed score scale. During the tasting, the sample 2 (with freeze-dried fruits added) scored the maximum possible 15 points, whereas sample 1 (with fruit flour added) – 12. The research demonstrates that the consumption of 100 g of the developed cottage cheese product will satisfy the daily need for vitamin C: for an adult – by 28 %, for a child – by 83 %. A man developed technological process for the manufacture of the cottage cheese product with a functional fruit component.


Ural State University of Economics

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