Enzyme Preparation Characteristics and New Technical Solution Development for Bioconversion of Collagen-Containing Raw Materials


Brashko Ivan1,Poznyakovsky Valery2,Donskova Lyudmila1


1. Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

2. Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation


One of the modern challenges facing the food and processing industry is the rational and resource saving technology development for the secondary resources use including collagen containing raw materials. Raw materials bioconversion is a promising solution method for the problem. A man run the research on the enzyme preparation use as hydrolysates of food raw materials including for the meat processing industry; studied the technological solutions appeared in the scientific and technical literature; identified the strengths and weaknesses of hydrolysis methods. Based on the studied data, the authors developed technological approach to the bioconversion of the broiler chicken skin. The developed approach consists in the technological preparation of collagen containing raw materials, its grinding, processing with an enzyme preparation from secondary fish raw materials for 15 minutes at a temperature of (3 ± 2)°C in a refrigerating chamber followed by filtration, regrinding and drying at a temperature of (41 ± 2) °C. According to the results of the conducted studies, the enzyme preparation is capable of collagen compound hydrolyzing, the proteolytic activity is 2.9 U/g. The enzyme preparation is a light-yellow substance with a faint specific aroma, a liquid, slightly viscous consistency. The mass fraction of dry substances in the enzyme preparation is 44%, the mass fraction of protein is 15%. Broiler chicken skin processing with an enzyme preparation resulted in a fine-grained free-running powder of light-yellow color with a mass fraction of 81.1% protein, 14.2% fat, 4.7% moisture, and 64.4% collagen. The ways of using the obtained collagen fermentolysate have been determined. The developed technology of using broiler chicken skin treated with an enzyme preparation is a new modern technical solution in the bioconversion of collagen containing raw materials. A man can exploit it in the food technology of meat pates and minced meat.


Ural State University of Economics

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