Protein–Fat Emulsion Development Using Algae Ascophyllum Nodosum


Ivashina Vera A.1,Tabakaeva Oksana V.1


1. Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russian Federation


An urgent task of the meat industry is to improve existing technologies for producing meat products. The study aimed at a recipe development for a multicomponent protein–fat emulsion that can function as a substitute for fat in the enriched sausage production. The research object was model systems of protein–fat emulsions differed in the ratio of ingredients – the amount of algae powder from Ascophyllum nodosum (3; 5; 7; 10 %) and the lipid composition content (25; 30; 35; 40 %). The optimal formulation of the emulsion contained 10 % of soy protein isolate, 5 % of algae powder from Ascophyllum nodosum, 30 % of water, and 35 % of lipid composition based on soybean and linseed oils. The emulsion had a stable, dense consistency, a flavor and aroma similar to that type of the product, a slight aroma of algae, and a uniform light green color. The emulsion had a mass fraction of 11.2 % of protein, 35.5 % of fat, and 32.1 % of moisture. The thesis presents a modified technological scheme for the production of a protein–fat emulsion using a powder from algae Ascophyllum nodosum. A man assessed organoleptic, hygienic, and physico–chemical parameters of model systems of protein–fat emulsions; determined the functional and technological properties of the studied model protein–fat emulsion. This formulation has the potential in the production of low-calorie fortified sausage products as an imitation lard.


Ural State University of Economics

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