Practical Application of Empetrum Nigrum Extract in Brewing


Kovalenko Svetlana1,Fayziev Azat1,Sysoeva Maria1


1. Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russian Federation


The article presents the developed formulation of a new variety of light beer with the dry extract of the Empetrum nigrum added. For this purpose, the authors obtained Empetrum nigrum dry extract, which contains 3.40% phenolic substances, including 0.56 % simple phenols; 1.16 % flavonoids, represented by coumarins, chalcones and aurones; and 79.8 % carbohydrates. A man added dry extract Empetrum nigrum to the hopped wort before fermentation in an amount of 0.5 g/l. At this concentration of the added extract, there is an alcoholic fermentation activation, which is evident as an increase in acidity, color and the number of yeast cells in the wort during fermentation to 7.725·107 CFU/ml. The researchers revealed that the beer, obtained according to the developed recipe, had improved organoleptic properties; the taste and aroma of a drink are notable for the pleasant sweetness and herbaceous shade.


Ural State University of Economics


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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