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2. Bentham, Jeremy. 1999 [1843]. The Works of Jeremy Bentham, edited by John Bowring. Edinburgh: William Tait.
3. Bentham, Jeremy. 1995. The Panopticon Writings, edited by Miran Bozovic. London: Verso.
4. Bentham, Jeremy. 2002. Panoptique: Mémoire sur un nouveau principe pour construire des maisons d’inspection, et nommément des maisons de force [Panopticon: Memoir on a new principle for the construction of houses of inspection, known as strong houses]. Paris: Mille et une nuits.
5. Brunon-Ernst, Anne. 2013. ‘Deconstructing Panopticism into the Plural Panopticons’, Beyond Foucault: New perspectives on Bentham’s Panopticon, edited by Anne Brunon-Ernst. 17-42. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing.