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Lak Martijn1


1. Martijn Lak is historicus en doceert onder andere aan de Universiteit Leiden en de Haagse Hogeschool/The Hague University of Applied Sciences. Hij promoveerde in december 2011 op een proefschrift over de Duits-Nederlandse economische en politieke relaties tussen 1945 en 1957. Hij heeft eerder gepubliceerd in Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, de Academische Boekengids, German History, Historische Zeitschrift, European History Quarterly, International History Review, Journal of Military History en Journal of S


Abstract Seventy years ago, on 6 June 1944, the Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy. For long, especially during the Cold War, Western historians saw this as the decisive turning point of the Second World War. However, more recent historiography suggests that the fundamental battles were fought between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, on the Eastern Front. It was here that the majority of the Wehrmacht fought, where it suffered most of its casualties, and where it became clear at an early stage that the Third Reich could not win. This article discusses recent publications on the war in Europe and the Eastern Front in particular while at the same time addressing the question why, compared with the fighting in Western Europe, the war between Germany and the USSR was so ruthless and barbaric, a total war or Vernichtungskrieg in the literal meaning of the word.


Amsterdam University Press



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1. The Early Years of European Integration—German and Dutch Reactions to the Schuman Plan;Governance and Security Issues of the European Union;2016







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