Archiving Dissent : (Im)material Trajectories of Political Street Art in Istanbul and Athens


Tulke Julia


In Athens and Istanbul, two cities that have emerged as epicentres of protest within the broader conjuncture of contemporary political mobilization across the Mediterranean, the transformative potential of political street art has become particularly evident. Staging a dialogic encounter between the two cities, this chapter examines how in each case interventions into public space as well as their circulation in the digital realm create, according to Can Altay, ‘hybrid space[s] of resistance’ that sustain political performances both grounded in the real world and beyond. Attentive to the resonances as well as the differences between the two cities and their respective political configurations, I reflect on manifestations of political street art in the context of contemporary social movements.


Amsterdam University Press

Reference58 articles.

1. Alexandrakis, Othon. 2016. ‘Indirect Activism: Graffiti and Political Possibility in Athens, Greece’, Cultural Anthropology 31(2): 272-296.

2. Altay, Can. 2015. ‘A Public Presence versus Greed, Brutality, and Control’, in Global Activism: Art and Conflict in the 21st Century, ed. Peter Weibel, 200-206. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

3. Avramidis, Konstantinos. 2012. ‘“Live Your Greece in Myths”: Reading the Crisis on Athens’ Walls’, Professional Dreamers Working Paper 8. Accessed 13.02.19.

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