The D’Avalos-Colonna Literary Circle: A ‘Renewed Parnassus’
Furstenberg-Levi Shulamit
This study examines the various links between the Neapolitan Accademia
Pontaniana and the d’Avalos-Colonna literary gatherings on the island of
Ischia, arguing that the former figured as intellectual ancestor of the latter.
The two informal groups shared a common geographical context—the
bay of Naples—as well as striking similarities between their leading
figures, Giovanni Pontano and Vittoria Colonna. This analysis is based
mainly on literary sources such as Girolamo Britonio’s Gelosia del Sole
and Paolo Giovio’s Dialogus de viris et foeminus aetate nostra florentibus,
which make reference to both explicit and subtle connections between
the Ischian cenacolo—often referred to in terms of Parnassus—and its
inspirational father figure, the original Accademia Pontaniana.
Amsterdam University Press