Features of Hepatopathy and Hematological Complications in Acute Spontaneous Babesiosis of Dogs
Dubova Oksana1, Feshchenko Diana1, Zghozinska Oksana1, Chala Inna1, Dubovyi Anatolii1
1. Polissia National University
Spontaneous babesiosis in dogs is one of the most common and
dangerous diseases. Erythrocyte damage conditioned upon pathogens is a trigger
for hematological complications and lesions of the microcirculatory tract. The
development of thrombotic processes leads to irreversible changes and subsequent
death of the organism. The liver is one of the first organs to suffer damage.
The aim of the study was to identify the links between the pathogenesis of
hepatopathy and hematological disorders in the course of acute spontaneous
babesiosis in dogs. To achieve this, two groups of dogs of 20 individuals were
formed: the experimental group – animals with babesiosis, the control group –
clinically healthy. It is established that acute spontaneous babesiosis occurs in
successive forms – anemic and jaundice. Normochromic anemia, leukocytosis,
thrombocytopenia were detected. Hemorheological parameters indicate increased
aggregation of erythrocytes and platelets, which led to thrombotic conditions. The
criterion of shock is established – decrease in the volume of circulating blood; its
deficiency was 24% for anemic and 34% for jaundice. Also identified markers of
disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DIC) – hypofibrinogenemia,
increased levels of soluble fibrin-monomer complexes, fibrin degradation
products, including D-dimer. Changes in indicators increased as the disease
progressed from anemic to jaundiced form. In the anemic form, shock is defined
as subcompensated in moderate severity, and DIC syndrome – in the stage of
consumption coagulopathy. Complications characterise a transitional state that
is in unstable equilibrium. In the icteric form, shock is defined as decompensated
severe, and DIC syndrome – in the stage of hypocoagulation. This condition
is characterised as critical, with a pronounced tendency to irreversibility.
Changes in liver parameters indicate hyperactivity of all indicator enzymes,
hyperbilirubinemia and hyperuria. With the development of the disease, the
rates increase significantly. DIC syndrome, shock and hepatopathy enter the
vicious circle, in which hematological complications cause hepatopathy, and
it, in turn, exacerbates them. Hepatopathy for babesiosis in dogs is considered
a serious condition that requires intensive care
Scientific Journals Publishing House
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