Background: Breastfeeding is an absolute necessary intervention for childhood survival. WHO/UNICEF have given utmost emphasis on first 1000 days of life comprising of 270 days in-utero and the first two years post birth as most vital period for nutritional interventions. [1] Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) is a set of renowned and usual recommendations for appropriate feeding of new-born and children below two years of age. Aims & Objectives: To assess the awareness, perception and practices, regarding breast-feeding and IYCF practices among mothers of children up to 2 years, in two districts of Central India. Settings and Design: Cross Sectional Study. Materials and Methods: This Cross-sectional study was carried out in two districts of Central India from January 2021 to December 2021. The study subjects included 400 mothers of babies less than two years old, who had given consent. Interpersonal interview using a pre-designed semi-structured questionnaire was carried out. Data was collected, compiled and analysed using SPSS 25.0 (Trial Version). Result: Only (58.60%) of respondents were completely knowledgeable about exclusive breastfeeding, the value of colostrum feeding, the advantages of breastfeeding (81.69%), and its early onset (64.75%), duration (71.25%), and frequency (74.50%). However, 50.25% of women lacked understanding about the ideal positioning and attachment of the infant to the breast. Conclusion: All beneficiaries should be shown demonstrations of all IYCF practices. Family members should also be counselled and encouraged to support IYCF practices.
Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine