1. Medtronic, Sofradim Production, Trevoux and France, --- Select a Country ---
2. Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Rome), Rome and Italy, --- Select a Country ---
3. Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), University of Hamburg and Germany, --- Select a Country ---
4. Regenerative, Modular and Developmental Engineering Laboratory (REMODEL), National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway), Galway, Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM), National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway) and Ireland, --- Select a Country ---
5. Univ. Lille, INSERM, CHU Lille, CIC-IT 1403 - Centre d'Investigation Clinique, EA 2694, F-59000 Lille and France, --- Select a Country ---
6. Inserm CIC 1406, F-38000 Grenoble and France, --- Select a Country ---
7. Inserm CIC1431, University Hospital of Besançon, EA481 - Integrative and Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory, University of Burgundy-Franche Comte and France, --- Select a Country ---