1. Barrow, B., Bell, T., Khadr, N., April, 2006, Evaluation of Laser Based Positioning for Characterization of EMI Signals from UXO, SAGEEP Proceedings, Seattle, WA.
2. Gasperikova, E., Smith, T.S., Morrison, F., Becker, A., UXO Detection and Discrimination with Berkeley UXO Discriminator (BUD), UXO/Countermine Forum 2007, Orlando, FL.
3. George, D. C., and D.D. “Skip” Snyder 2007, The AOL2 Dual‐Mode (Mag/EM) System for UXO Detection and Classification, UXO/Countermine Forum 2007, Orlando, FL.
4. Millhouse, S., Bohlin, J., Taylor, D., July, 2007, Small Area Inertial Navigation Tracking (SAINT) system for Precise Location of Buried UXO, Final Report MM‐0604, www.estcp.org.
5. Nelson, H., Bell, T., Steinhurst, D., 2007, EMI Array for Cued UXO Discrimination, UXO/Countermine Forum 2007, Orlando, FL.