Development of an Algorithm and Module for Automatic Evaluation of Student Papers Based on Semantic Analysis of Text


Poguda A. A.1,Tape Jean Max Habib1ORCID


1. National Research Tomsk State University


Research objective. The main objectives of developing a module for automatic assessment of students’ papers based on the Russian grading scale system are:– Increased grading efficiency: the automatic system can process a larger number of papers in less time than a lecturer, reducing the time spent on checking;– Grading objectivity: the automated system is not subject to bias and other human factors, which ensures more objective grading of papers;– Standardization of grading: the automated system provides a uniform approach to grading, making it more transparent and comparable;– Reduced workload for lecturers: freeing lecturers from the routine work of checking papers allows them to devote more time to individual work with students.Materials and methods. Various methods can be used to develop a module for automatic assessment of students’ work, such as:Machine learning techniques: these techniques allow the module to learn from a set of examples where lecturers have already assessed students’ papers and automatically grade new papers.Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods: these methods allow the module to understand the meaning of text and evaluate it against given criteria.Expert systems methods: these methods allow the module to utilize the knowledge of experts in assessing students’ papers. For this project, we have chosen a combination of Levenshtein and Jaro index algorithms based on the method of assessing students’ knowledge in the Russian system.Results. The following main results were obtained in the course of this research. The module of automatic evaluation of student papers has been successfully developed and implemented on the basis of the Russian system of evaluation scales. Test evaluations of papers showed high accuracy of the module’s predictions and reliability of its work. Comparison of the module with manual assessment confirmed its ability to give comparable results. The module proved to be useful for lecturers, providing them with the ability to quickly and objectively assess students’ papers. Integration of the module with existing learning management systems facilitates its implementation in the educational environment. All the obtained results testify to the high efficiency and prospectivity of the developed module.Conclusion. As a result of this work, a module for automatic evaluation of students’ papers based on the Russian system of evaluation scales was developed and implemented. The main results of the work are that the module has been successfully tested and demonstrated high accuracy and reliability in the assessment of papers. The module has also demonstrated its usefulness for lecturers, providing them with an opportunity to quickly and objectively assess students’ papers. Due to its integration with existing learning management systems, the module can be easily implemented into the educational environment. In general, the results of the work confirm the effectiveness and prospects of using automatic assessment of students’ papers based on the Russian system of assessment scales.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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