Preparing Future Teachers to Implement Distance Learning for Schoolchildren


Kuzmenko M. V.1ORCID


1. Petrozavodsk State University


The purpose of the study. The article deals with the issue of graduates’ (future teachers) preparation for the solution of professional tasks related to the organization of distance learning for schoolchildren. The analysis of current approaches to the organization of professional training of students of pedagogical universities for the implementation of distance learning is carried out. The results of students’ survey in order to identify professional deficits of graduates in the context of the implementation of distance learning technologies are presented. The main directions of improving the graduates’ professional skills in the framework of the discipline “Distance learning technologies” and work program structure are given.Materials and methods. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the preparation of graduates of pedagogical universities for the implementation of distance learning. The students’ survey to identify competencies and professional deficiencies in the field of application of distance learning technologies.Research results. The main competencies based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature are identified and characterized. The formation of these competencies is aimed at further successful, effective and safe implementation by future teachers of activities in the field of schoolchildren’s distance learning. A number of competencies such as personal, professional and pedagogical, psychological, technical and extreme (ability and readiness to work in sudden complicated conditions) that are particularly in demand from the perspective problem under this study are highlighted. The students’ survey revealed professional deficits in the field of application of distance learning technologies. Methodological aspects of the organization of the distance learning process prevailed. Meanwhile, a significant number of students noted the lack of the formation of specific digital skills, which are necessary for the implementation of distance learning. It is important to highlight such professional deficits as a group work organization in a remote format (both in methodological and technical aspects); the organization of work with parents; the teacher’s time management.All these aspects determine the importance of purposeful work on the formation of appropriate skills of future teachers within the discipline “Distance learning technologies”. The content of this discipline is formed according to the results of the study.The results of the study can be used to improve the system of training of future teachers and the adjustments to the content of academic discipline programs.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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