Preferential Territories in the Spatial Development of the Russian Federation


Odintsova A. V.1


1. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The spatial development strategy includes many components aimed, on the one hand, at ensuring the balanced development of the regions of the Russian Federation. On the other hand, it is aimed at the formation of preferential mechanisms for territories that particularly require investment and are characterized by negative development trends. The world has accumulated a lot of experience in the functioning of such mechanisms, which allows us to formulate their basic principles and orientation within the framework of the spatial development of a modern state. The article analyzes the main objectives of creating territories with special economic regimes, as well as problems that require attention when coordinating the policy of development of preferential zones, on the one hand, and spatial development in general, on the other. Examples of creation and functioning of preferential territories in different countries of the world are considered. The main stages in the regulation of such territories in Russia are highlighted, as well as the problems that exist on the way of their institutionalization.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)


General Medicine

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