1. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Different countries show differing patterns of economic growth and innovation dynamics. For a long time in Russia, it has not been possible to formulate an innovative model of economic growth, a debate about which lasts for more than a decade and government measures are being taken to stimulate innovation and stimulate growth, which do not yet allow us to move on to such the development model. However, this usually happens without taking into account the mode of innovative dynamics that has already taken shape at the current moment, both at the micro level (the effectiveness of science-intensive firms) and at the macro level – according to the dynamics of innovative development parameters, in particular, the growth rate of innovative agents, changes in the share of firms innovators. The current effectiveness of the functioning of science-intensive (innovative) firms undoubtedly affects the emergence of innovative firms and the number of agents in the economy. The clarification of such a relationship is important, which will allow us to better outline the outline of the model of the innovative type of economic growth. Thus, it was found that in Russia from the analyzed countries (USA, China, EU), the increase in GDP occurred simultaneously with a decrease in the number of innovative agents and the share of innovative companies, and the growth rate decreased with an increase in the growth rate of the number of innovative agents in the studied time interval. This is a conservative model of economic dynamics. The innovative development model assumes a situation where GDP increases with the growth in the number of innovative agents, the growth rate slows down with an increase in the growth rate of the number of innovative agents due to the relatively high share of these agents in the total, which is typical for China. Thus, the formation of an innovative Russian growth model will require changes in the government system of economic policy measures. In particular, it will be necessary to test the impact of changing the law of the relationship between GDP dynamics and the number of firms and innovative agents, as well as the conditions for moving labor resources from old to new industries and training personnel for new industries, take into account restrictions on the effectiveness of science-intensive firms, and introduce a stimulating tax mechanism innovation, and reduce the risks of introducing innovation.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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