Competition of Territories for the Future: Features of Origin and Formation


Vazhenina I. S.1,Vazhenin S. G.1


1. Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science


The competition of territories is an objective reality, however, some theoretical and methodological issues of its development today and especially in the future still need to be finalized. The article is devoted to the disclosure of socio-economic prerequisites and opportunities for designing the competition of territories for the future in the conditions of the emerging economic space. The authors support and develop the position according to which the competition of territories for the future is largely determined by the construction of the image of the future of territories. The assertion is substantiated that the competition of territories for the future is a struggle for the opportunity to form the future architecture of the socio-economic development of the territory, for achieving future success that goes beyond the established (traditional) ideas about the successful development of regions and municipalities. The main characteristics of the competitive competencies of the territory, as well as territorial individuality, are formulated. The authors consider it necessary for the heads of regions and municipalities to pay increased attention to the formation and preservation of intangible competitive advantages of the territories under their jurisdiction.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)


General Medicine

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