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2. Bratcev V. I. Sovershenstvovanie instrumentov nalogovo-byudzhetnogo regulirovaniya i stimulirovaniya innovacionnyh processov v sfere APK [Developing Tools of Taxation-Budget Regulation and Stimulation of Innovation Processes in the Agro-Industrial Complex]. Aktual'nye problemy finansirovaniya i nalogooblozheniya APK v usloviyah globalizacii ekonomiki, sbornik statey Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii [Acute Problems of Financing and Taxation in the Agro-Industrial Complex in Conditions of Economy Globalization, collection of articles of the Russian Conference]. Penza, RIO PGSHA, 2014. (In Russ.).
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5. Ushachev I. G., Serkov A. F. Sostoyanie i problemy obespecheniya prodovol'stvennoy bezopasnosti strany [State and Problems of Ensuring Food Security of the Country]. (In Russ.). Available at: http://www.vniiesh.ru/publications/Stat/ 4949.html