Transforming the System of Economics University Governance


Kulapov M. N.1,Maslennikov V. V.1,Abramov R. A.1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The article deals with the concept of transforming the system of governance in the Russian Plekhanov University of Economics according to 5-100 Project. The authors’ concept puts forward a new approach to the administrative structure, which is determined by strategy of university development. The authors consider reasonable to build the original organizational structure of governance on the basis of education and research centers (ERC), which will provide training of highly qualified specialists, research work and commercialization. They substantiate three principle lines in transforming the system of governance: to give divisions operative and economic independence; to organize interaction between ERC, departments and faculties (to transfer methodological work with education products - key education programs of training from faculties to ERC); to provide conditions for reorganizing faculties into profile mobile directions of education programs with contingents of students and learners. Graduate departments should have project groups of key education programs of training, including people from divisions, such as departments, faculties, academic schools and ERC laboratories engaged in this work. System and creative solutions in step-by-step selection and development of students’ talents will give the Russian Plekhanov University of Economics an opportunity to stand out among competitors and contribute to the university leading positions on labour market.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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