Transitional Forms of Universal Basic Income and Options of Testing Tools in Russia, Illustrated by Unemployed


Bobkov V. N.1,Antipov V. I.2,Kolmakov I. B.3,Pavlova V. V.3


1. ISESP FCTAS RAS; Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

2. V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Problems in researching the category (universalbasicincome – UBI) were found in a number of publications. Taking into account the idea of the inevitable introduction of UBI system it is necessary to resolve problems in researching options of such systems’ functioning, such as: what can be the source of the income, what can be the UBI value, customer number and therefore, the amount of state expenses. Russia has not got answers to these questions. The article studies problems of introducing models of UBI transitional forms or the so-called conditional basic income (conditionalbasicincome – CBI), having in mind target categories of recipients, limited payment time and its small amount compared with national living minimum. This approach could allow us to develop methodology of calculating options of future UBI systems. The authors substantiate and estimate the concrete model of paying the conditional basic income for the category of unemployed Russian citizens registered in employment centers


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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