1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
2. Оnline-hypermarket “Utkonos”
On March 11, 2020 the WHO officially announced the outbreak of corona-virus COVID-19 a pandemia. In this situation the majority of countries closed their borders and in-country movement on public transport was also changed to stop virus spreading. On the high authority level strategic decisions were taken every day in order the stop the infection. In Russia on March 25 President V. V. Putin issued a decree N 206 about the non-working week from March 30 to April 3, 2020 and on April 2, 2020 this decision about the non-working week was prolonged by the end of April. In view of these changes tourist, restaurant, leisure industries were temporary closed and business within the frames of these industries had to adapt to this situation. As for restaurants, it meant passing-over to product delivery through aggregators. This decree was not applied to certain industries, including organizations providing food and essential goods to the population. Thus food retail sale of both on-line and off-line formats continued selling goods to customers. The article shows the role of category managers in changing conditions of the pandemia, as non-stop supply of customers with goods depend on their decisions.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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