1. Tashkent State University of Economics
Continuous upgrading in business activity through the process of marketing research is essential for survival of all companies on highly-competitive markets. Analysis of adequate experience and practice dealing with marketing research in business gives an opportunity to influence different aspects of entrepreneurship, such as innovation, access to markets, delivery of human capital, strategic decision-making and others. There is a number of quality estimation of research experience and practice topicality in business activity. However, business quarters, including academic and industrial business people face a problem whether there is a uniform system of estimating scientific and production practices in marketing research aimed at assessing their quality/topicality by several important business characteristics. In view of this the goal of the research is to study overseas experience in conducting marketing research in business sphere in order to produce academic and industrial outlook based on the method of analytical hierarchy. Important estimation characteristics of marketing research in entrepreneurship were obtained in interviews with concerned people and analysis of academic investigations. On this foundation estimation indices and method of hierarchy analysis were elaborated and reasonable values of estimation criteria were fixed. Analysis results show that this model can assess the quality and topicality of marketing research in business objectively, accurately and rationally.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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