Decarbonization in the System of Key Trends of Economic Development


Altukhova E. V.1,Asyaeva E. A.2,Markov M. A.2,Perepelitsa D. G.2


1. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

2. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Current trends of economic development form the necessity to observe new requirements and restrictions. It shows a new turn of the progressive development in different spheres of human activity. Challenges of sustainable development call for concrete positions in the system of risk management. Dynamic emergence of innovation technologies and services speed up processes of decision-making, and urge on business-processes to more serious changes. Today the key lines in business transformation include building-up clean energy and shaping green economy and green society. At the same time, efficiency of business entities’ work is estimated not only in view of financial results, but also within the frames of total ecological effect with simultaneous submission of report data. The goal of the present research is to identify points of growth and development in the system of today’s contradictions and to define priorities of state policy in order to coordinate interests of industry and requirements of sustainable development. The article substantiates the importance of finance sector in the system of providing harmonization of decarbonization policy and economic development. It is also important to take into account the whole list of tools, methods and infrastructural elements promoting the effective interaction of all participants of the decarbonization process at the level of separate state and within the frames of global international space.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)


General Medicine

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1. Today’s Mechanisms of Financing the 4th Energy-Transition;Vestnik of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics;2024-05-22







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