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2. Karpyuk I. A., Kulyashova N. M. Sravnitelnyy analiz mobilnykh prilozheniy i instrumentalnykh sredstv ikh razrabotki [Comparative Analysis of Mobile Applications and Instrumental Means of their Development]. Academic Methodological E-Journal ‘Concept’, 2017, Vol. 31, pp. 826–830. (In Russ.).
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4. Markova E. S., Kuznetsov M. M. Mobilnye prilozheniya kak effektivnyy instrument internet-marketinga [Mobile Applications as Effective Tool of Internet-Marketing]. Aktualnye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya ekonomiki: rossiyskiy i zarubezhnyy opyt [Acute Problems and Prospects of Economy Development: Russian and Overseas Experience], 2020, No. 5 (30), pp. 30–34. (In Russ.).
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