1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Russian State University for the Humanities
Serious growth in labour productivity is an essential task of Russian economy today, which was formulated in the national goals of the Russian Federation and the national project ‘Labour Productivity and Employment Support'. Current mathematic models and methods of analyzing the given problem cannot identify key factors affecting the capacity of the enterprise to provide a considerable growth in productivity in the short-term and medium-term perspective. The article puts forward a mathematic model for analyzing labour productivity dynamics, which was designed on the informational approach to system analysis. Specific features of the model are the use of the hypothesis theorem to get estimation of relative probability of achieving the target indicator and 2 variants of interpretation of probability to realize the situation factor. The research object is representative sample of industrial enterprises in Russia included in the top-100 leaders by labour productivity growth. The authors set and resolved the task to estimate relative steps of target information that determine the degree of conformity of an increase in key finance and economic parameters with attaining the goal, i.e. growth in labour productivity at the enterprise in 3-year perspective. As a result of modeling it was shown that the degree of relative expediency of high rates of proceed rise tend to decline as the ranges of labour productivity grow. At the same time the degree of relative of high rates of asset turn-over growth steps up in line with decreasing durability of operative cycle of the enterprise. In contrast to many works dealing with this problem it was shown that relative expediency of fundequipment at the enterprise is more noticeable for medium and high rates of labour productivity growth and extremely low in the record range. The obtained results demonstrate applied opportunities to use logic-mathematic tools of the information approach to analyze indicators of economic efficiency of business.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
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