Labour Productivity in Medical Institutions as an Object of Scientific Analysis


Popsuyko A. N.1,Batsina E. A.1,Artamonova G. V.1,Morozova E. A.2


1. Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases

2. Kemerovo State University


The article provides results of scientific research on problems of evaluating labour productivity of workers in medical institutions. Now we face a certain deficit of knowledge about possibilities and specificity of using calculations of labour productivity in sectors of social sphere, especially public health. The authors analyzed sources of home and foreign literature, normative documents for the period 2010–2019 dealing with this problem and practices of public health system functioning. For the research they used database of the Russian index of academic citing, the search system of full texts of academic publications Google Scholar, reference system ‘ConsultantPlus’ and e-resource eLIBRARY.RU. At the same time the authors analyzed public reports by authority representatives on issues of raising labour productivity in medical institutions, information of open internet-sources with the help of search engine ‘Yandex’. The research helped the authors formulate their own definition of labour productivity in respect to medical institutions’ work. The article enumerates factors affecting the labour productivity index, such as selection system, training and development of personnel, working environment and staff interaction, digitalization of personnel in medical organization, system of quality management, advanced managerial technologies.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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