Finance and Innovation Solutions to Implement Investment Programs in Electric-Power Complex of the Russian Federation


Gryzunova N. V.1,Kiseleva I. A.1,Vedenev K. E.2


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

2. LLC "ETS-Energo"


Today we observe changes in concepts of organizing power - engineering industry and tariff pricing. While estimating the pressure of sanctions, everybody agrees that the worst damage is caused by finance tools. Therefore, innovation in electric-power sector is started with finance innovation. It is also necessary to bear in mind the future earnings of stakeholders and households that plan to re-orient their investment from oil sector to electric-power engineering. This trend is being discussed right now, though for Russia with its gas reserves and customer preferences the process of investment changes can be rather long. The finance platform in this industry is not fundamental yet. It is possible to start innovation only after accumulating some funds. For instance, it is planned to change elements in the structure of power and fuel potential, to reform technical and technological elements of infrastructure (chat-bots with geographic and product applications, drones, quadrocopters, which can be used for linear and high buildings). In the future it is planned to develop new customer clusters with certain social index. In the article the authors study finance and innovation solutions to implement innovation programs in electricpower complex in conditions of digitalization and imperative indices of investment, though digitalization is called the key anti-ecological factor in this sector.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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