Enterprise Restructuring Based on Modeling the Economic Responsibility of Its Divisions


Zagranovskaia A. V.1,Pliner M. E.1


1. Saint Petersburg State Economic University


Structure and function as two system-building factors that affect each other. Their mutual conformity is a guarantee of the system efficient functioning. At certain time this conformity can be broken and it will impact adversely the organization work. As a result it will be necessary either to revise the function (mission) of the enterprise or to restructure it. According to the theory of business systems, the contribution of each division to the system function realization can be estimated through modeling economic responsibility, which should, in theory, correspond to employees' remuneration. The given logic underlies COMPAS methodology, whose version was elaborated by the authors and used in the article. This methodology was tested at the Research Center of Pharmacotherapy. The findings of the research allowed the authors to put forward the current and strategic solution to the problem of unbalanced economic responsibility and personnel remuneration. In the short run in order to reduce the general manager's load it is possible to pass some of his/her tasks to subordinates and in the long run it is recommended to change the structure of enterprise management and revise the distribution of economic responsibility and remuneration in divisions.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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